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Reward Points:11
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Making under-age drinking legal is the argument made here. Teens aren't developed enough to be able to drink and become intoxicated while attendind high-school.

1 point

This would allow high-school students to be able to drink and supply alcohol to their friends which would cause even more under-age drinking. There are laws in place allowing kids under 18 to drink while supervised and at home with a parent so changing the law is a dangerous way to make the problem stop.

1 point

When a school has Prom King and Queen it can help bring a new excitement to a school environment that is not usually there. If a student is against the fact then they should choose not to vote.

1 point

How can a teacher get to the gun in a short amount of time if it isn't accessible in a time of need then why have it?

1 point

People of all ages deal with stress in one form or another. It is apparent that teenagers tend to deal with many things including stress in a rude manor.

1 point

Teachers should not have guns in their desks at school. A teacher with a gun adds more danger to a school environment. If a student were to gain acces to the gun then it would nullify the teacher's defensive ability and add much danger to the school.

Winning Position: It's Murder

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